Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

"Complete and utter devastation" is the phrase that I keep hearing. This is just unreal. A friend of mine said that it looks like something out of a movie about armageddon. My heart goes out to these people that have literally lost everything but their lives and even some have lost that as the death toll continues to rise. I thank God that my friends and family are all accounted for and all safe. I can not imagine all of the chaos that is going on down there right now. I'm not going to post any pictures on here because they wouldn't be my pictures and I don't want to deal with permission issues but if you go to flickr and do a seach for hurricanekatrina (yes, all one word) then you will see some of the photos of the immense devastation. If you want to help out in the relief effort--
American Red Cross
Govenor Blanco said that today should be a day of prayer for the victims and their families but also those working down there to try to help the people get out and the ones that are in charge deciding what would be best to help these people need prayers too.
It was first thought that New Orleans dodged a bullet but now it looks like she may have received a fatal wound. Let's all pray for south Louisiana right now as the waters continue to rise.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

too long...

Goodness, it's been too long since I've posted! Well, let's see, what all has been going on. We went to Odessa and had a good visit with Rob's dad. J loved riding on the airplane. A fell asleep on the airplane so I'm thinking that he liked it too. Rob's dad sent us shopping while we were there too. We bought some cute little clothes for the boys, Rob got some new things for work and I got 2 new dresses, a new skirt, 2 sweatery tops, and a pair of pants. (I found some REALLY good sales). Rob's brother is getting married in September, so I chose one of the dresses with that in mind. We also got to tour Odessa a little bit but mainly the boys (and us) got to visit with Pawpaw. It was a goot trip, although really short-we arrived at 1pm on Friday and were back on the way home by 4pm on Sunday. We got home Sunday night at about 8:30 or so and just crashed.
The next week was spent getting ready for J's birthday on Saturday. The party turned out really well. A few of the AR relatives came in for the party and they seemed to have a good time but my little niece, who's almost 6 was a bit of a behavior problem. They came down Saturday and by Sunday afternoon I had about had enough of her. All things considered, it was a good weekend.
Last weekend was a rest weekend. Rob and I both gave blood on Saturday and then we shopped around the mall here for a bit. Sunday was church and then Sunday afternoon we had friends over for a late lunch and had a good visit with them.
This weekend we will be gong to a family reunion in AR. It should be fun, or at least interesting ;-) My niece will be there for atleast part of the weekend, I guess we'll see how that goes.
Rob and I have started taking a Bible class on Monday nights that we both really really like. I believe it's the fastest 3 hrs we've ever spent! This semester is on Prophecy--oooh! Fun stuff!!
Here's their site if you want to check it out
